Bunyad Grammar School

Bunyad Grammar School, Police Officers Colony Abbottabad, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 22010 , Abbottabad
Abbottabad, Khayber Pakhtoon Khuah, Pakistan, 22010
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Our School providing excellent education to the students for the past 25 years. The motto of our school is to go beyond horizons by reaching students from diverse cultures and values with a high-standard education system for all that will make the students ready for this contemporary world. We, at our school, endeavor to felicitate the reception of knowledge by the mind of the learners, so that the mind accordingly senses the content as per its best-defined tendency and sharpest inclination. Well-demarcated learning resources, both digital and physical, reinforce comprehension and knowledge building. All of the above provide several sensory experiences to each child. The collaborative learning techniques, problem-solving activities, research, and real-world learning experiences provided in and outside the classrooms aim at involving students actively in the process of learning Focusing on the Real World Learning experiences for each individual, engaging activities and differentiation techniques are utilized to impart a better understanding of the content across all learning styles.

Bunyad Grammar School
Phone No : +923333360339
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Website : http://bunyadgrammarschool.eims.pk/
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Business Type : Service Provider
Size : Medium Scale
Entity : Proprietorship

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